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Diary of a Plague Year

2 min readJun 26, 2020


The lockdown media’s portrayal of the ‘second wave’ in ‘Red States’ — which never really had a first wave — is nothing but the revenge of the weak against the strong, or, in this case, the revenge of the fearful against the relatively calm. We’ve reached a point, an absurd point, where we can’t acknowledge that the virus has to stay; we can’t talk about ways to adapt; we can only talk about levels of fear (which range from high to sky high). Fl/Az/Tx have more cases — they must all be terrible and all those states must be failing and hospitals must be overrun. We can’t say — in the sense that such speech is policed on social and mainstream media — that cases are rising among young people who are, overwhelmingly, perfectly fine. We can’t even question whether younger people who are going to hospitals even should — questioning the efficacy of modern medicine is the most taboo of taboos. All we see, hear about, talk about are numbers going up — and how stupid the people making them go up are. Blue staters, which suffered the most during lockdowns, are giddy at the fates of Red States (I’m ignoring for the moment the absurdity of Blue vs Red): they can’t wait to express their need for revenge as virtuous judgement.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash



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