Member-only story
Fake fears have obscured real needs. The need to protect oneself from Covid at all costs has muted the will to live.
Civilization puts a lid on our cruelest tendencies, but the steam just hisses out the sides.
I look at the year ahead and I think: that is just time I will eventually waste. A distraction society makes us indifferent to the future; all we see is our own addiction, replicated ad infinitum.
A form of life produces its own language, its own semiotics. The state of exception produces a language of exception, which the state then uses to reify itself.
Without the semiotic net of ‘Crisis’ — we wouldn’t know anything was wrong; we would just live our lives.
Love is always bound up with mercy. To fail to give one is to fail to give the other.
The furtive power of absurdity: something which interrupts us and makes us wonder what we’re doing.
In the absence of a religious life, you can live a metaphysical life; in the absence of a metaphysical life, you can live a physical life; but in the absence of a physical life, or a metaphysical life, or a religious life — what can you do?