Member-only story
Bureaucrats — the experts — have adopted a pseudo-rational one variable
logic that completely ignores the qualitative impacts of staying at home staying at home, social distancing, wearing masks, general panic; we have ignored the emotional transformation we have undergone. We have ignored the consequences of re-conceiving of ourselves as disease vectors — of the stranger, the other, as a asymptomatic spreader: a kind of mythical monster… a thing, an alien. There are consequences of this hyper risk aversion, this irrational rationalism: the fabric of the human and human society is warped beyond recognition.
We have turned ourselves into scared animals (like the kinds of dogs you find in animal shelters).
Millions will never again be able to fully see another human being.
Millions can only think of their unmasked faces with shame and anger.
If a slight reduction in the rate of viral transfer worth turning hundreds of millions, including children, into neurotic, paranoid agoraphobics?
By asking everyone to adopt a hypertrophy precautionary principle, we’ve disabled their capacity for rational risk analysis. Rather than adopt a humble, open-ended, skeptical process of deliberation, one that can daily respond to new information about the virus, we adopted an ideology very early on…