Member-only story
- New York: an amazing city not to explore while you get high watch Netflix and flake on all your plans.
- An internalization of internet language is a newish, and evolving psychic virus. The inability to describe ourselves in types other than the predominant, somewhat official types floating around the internet — ‘ENTP, Virgo’ — etc, a sign of a complete breakdown in apparatus of introspection and self-creation. It is a tic. We talk about our jobs, our signs, our colleges — but we can’t talk about ourselves. We’re pathologically unable to.
- “Too act — that is true intelligence,” writes Fernando Pessoa. Pessoa means ‘act’ in terms of ‘action.’ I feel like I only know those capable of ‘acting’ in terms of faking or performing. Is everyone I know stupid? Metaphysically stupid?
- Tedium — a basic, underlying state produced by life in a digital consumerist society; a state which we deny by consuming more and more digital goods. Thus, we live in a tedium vortex.
- The most dangerous psychological action we can perform is narrativization. We shouldn’t try to tell consoling stories about our bullshit. Bullshit is bullshit.
- Unfortunately, we have to discard the word authentic — it means nothing. There is no authentic, or inauthentic. If there is any hope, it lies much deeper in the mind than authenticity. If we want to find a region of the mind free of thoughts implanted by corporations and their digital machines, we have to dig deep, beyond language, maybe beyond image.