Member-only story
- fedgov should provide social insurance not experiment with social control
- state governments should allow people to adapt
- local governments should get super creative (close off streets for cafes increase biking community gardens social activities in green space)
- neighbors should be in food exchanges (my homemade bread for your homemade chicken eggs)
- caution does not mean fear
- trump obsession (pro or con) makes us stupid (occupies valuable thinking time w/ shit we already know)
- those who can grow food should (and should be ashamed if they aren’t)
- history > presentism
- self-cultivation (self-strengthening) > neurotic ritualistic sanitizing
- farms > supermarkets
- trad diet over fad diets
- children need to be allowed to play together
- masks are largely symbolic one way or another (it’s cool to wear them but walking down the street w/ doesn’t make you a murderer either)
- skepticism towards experts (w/out dismissing them either!)
- the media doesn’t cover the secondary effects of social isolation (depression & suicide don’t get op-ed space)
- respect for people whose only sin is not being an -urban/college town liberal
- holistic view of what makes us sick
- civil liberties are worth increased…