Member-only story
- Often, I get the feeling, reading the news, that the ‘news’ really is just commentary on itself: there is a whole ecology of information, in which a certain news trope gets reiterated for days or weeks. ‘News cycle’ is an accurate term: the ‘news’ is really a certain geometry, a certain arrangement, of a certain kind of information. It is not, however, an authoritative picture of reality. It is a picture of a picture of a picture of reality, and so on — always getting further away.
- Instagram destroys our sense of the unique and value of things reduces everything to a commodity and conditions our brains to endless comparison of appearances; by capturing your reality on Instagram you violate whatever is sacred about it — use your memory and your notebook instead.
- The screen creates a new horizon two feet in front of our eyes and radically disrupts our relationship with the horizon of the sky — heaven, the Gods.
- We cannot negotiate with the forces that wreck and dismantle our environment: to normalize is not only to admit defeat, but to create it.
- You cannot build a spiritual life out of a commodified life anymore than you can build a church out of rotting wood.