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- I wonder if a major filmmaker has really gone much beyond, compositionally, the work of Godard in the 1980’s. Terrence Malick maybe. Film is an inherently modernist medium; filmmakers are inherently conservative.
- Quite simply, the season — the phenomenological texture — of spring is the religious idea of resurrection. For this reason, living in a city, like I do, feels irreligious; blasphemous.
3. Is there a difference between an aesthetic and a spiritual goal? — for an artist?
4. We often divide philosophers between dualists and monists — but really, philosophers should be divided into the categories of erotic and non-erotic. Embodiers and disembodiers. Of the former category: Plato, Nietzsche seem paradigmatic. The latter: Hegel.
5. Poetry comes before philosophy. It is the blow that breaks up the earth; tills it.
6. We seek security. So we systematically destroy our individualistic impulses, our originality, to make sure that we will continue to be recognized by the human herd. That seems obvious… and has been since Nietzsche… but — we still don’t know what to do about it. The 20th century revealed that cults of individualism produced political and moral monsters and monstrosities. The 21st century is re-teaching the original lesson. We still haven’t figured out how to cultivate whole, vibrant, independent selves without collateral damage.