Member-only story
- The difference between a bad writer and someone who can’t write is the degree of self-awareness that separates them: a bad writer is someone who can’t write but thinks they can.
- A content writer is a contradiction in terms.
- Social media gives all sorts of non-writers the possibility of transforming themselves into bad writers; i.e., platforms them a platform upon which they can gradually lose their self-awareness.
4. Nietzsche’s idea of the eternal return makes life inside of capitalism seem rather intolerable — for who wants to go the office day after day, for the rest of eternity?
5. Often, when we think we’re producing new ideas, what we’re actually doing is reproducing old myths.
6. Truth is not relative — what truth does, actually, is mask itself behind relativity. Objective truth dares us to find it.
7. The wisdom writer is an extinct species; and while it’s hard to say why, it just seems impossible to me that there could be another Emerson, Montaigne, or Nietzsche. That tradition seems closed. It’s been replaced by something else. The tradition of the ‘think piece’ or simply ‘the piece.’ The light riff on heavy ideas.
8. Your definition of ‘health’ says everything about how you see yourself. Your definition of ‘illness’ says everything about how you see other people. Or maybe it’s the other way around.
9. Universities should conduct their philosophy classes in the open air.
10. Millennials are Baby Boomers with better taste in brands.
11. It’s not enough to be a contrarian —