Member-only story
- A trending story is not a social movement. A few weeks of online outrage will not change the world. All it does is produce the dangerous illusion that (evil in) the world can change.
- Employment functions as a form of social control. Exhausted, broken wage-slaves do not protest. The obsession with full employment is an obsession with society-as-machine.
- Economics is entirely centered around two questions: What to do with surplus energy? What do to with surplus time?
- A great artist is a freak — like an athlete, 10' tall. Imagine the difference between say Proust and a regular journalist or genre writer. They are a completely different species.
- Philosophers create values and concepts; critics destroy them. Both roles are vital to the health of a culture.
- A critic is different than a reviewer —
- A philosopher is different than a pundit —
- The second an artist is made a part of or becomes an industry, they die.
- Just as there are different climates, there are different values. Values in fact, are an adaptation to climate; to survival.
- Recovering values is just as important as creating them.