- The notion of having a gender — the uniquely configured and even mystical world of the body — is very beautiful, and very different than the notion of ‘sex.’ Theories of sexuality are much less interesting to me than phenomenologies of gender.
- Wittgenstein as anthropologist: “Frazer’s presentation of the magical and religious views of mankind is unsatisfactory: it makes these views appear as errors.”
- Mercy is a magical notion and should be opposed and preferred to the rational notion of the law.
- Levi-Strauss: “The scientific mind does not so much provide the right answers as ask the right questions.” Replace the word ‘scientific’ with ‘poetic.’
- A genius leaves behind them a rich river silt — like the Nile Delta at the end of flood season.
- If Schubert had died at 40 instead of 31 the history of music would be radically different; perhaps unrecognizable. We could not say the same even of Mozart.
- America: industrial bodies, digital brains. Spiritual wrecks.