Member-only story
- There’s an interesting disjunction, within contemporary theories of identity, between the emphasis on the performativity of identity and the valorization of the sex reassignment surgery (what an Orwellian name). I wonder why we don’t question the medicalization of identity more. These surgeries, I imagine, are very profitable for somebody; there’s a reason, I always surmise, that we only read about success stories and not about regrets.
- What, in 2018 we consider outrageous or simply rude, might not be considered that outrageous or rude in the future (and for good reason).
- If an opinion is too popular, stay away.
- I think we will see an explosion of plastic surgeries in the near future; human beings will want to look more and more and more like what their Instagram filters make them look like. We are three-dimensional creatures doing everything possible to be two-dimensional — in every sense of the word.
- ‘Identity politics’ is a kind of sense-resistant pathology that has burrowed deep into the ‘liberal’ psyche.