Member-only story
The snow(slush) storm in New York unleashes a fairly powerful longing: for all commercial activity to stop; for the city shut down; to be able to stay home and turn off. The human brain and the natural are in a pretty interesting feedback loop right now. Human beings, unable to ever take a break from relentless consumption, twist and torture nature until it fights back — disrupts the ceaseless flow of activity. Natural disasters are now closer to unnatural disasters — climate change provoked freaks. Two nor’easters in March? Not particularly normal. Thundersnow? Not particularly normal. But then again — neither is pollution or deforestation. Capitalism produces the desire for utter, unbroken consistency. For stores to stay open and lit; for goods to flow in a continuous, 24/7 stream. But that’s not only wrong — it’s a fantasy. Cause-and-effect is always in effect. Winter is a time of rest, silence, preparation. If we try to turn the seasons into endless summer, then the seasons will be forced to re-assert themselves — and they do.