Member-only story
- There is no doubt that The New York Times’ endorsements of Klobuchar and Warren is purely opportunistic; having bought Warren’s made-up complaint about Bernie Sander’s ‘sexism’, the paper decided simply to endorse two women days later. This is what the liberal notion of diversity means now: reaction. Diversity has very little to do with understanding and dismantling structures and perceptions of power, and everything to do with covering one’s ass.
- I’m waiting for a presidential candidate who acknowledges the tragic dimension of the office; to be elected president is to be elected killer, oppressor.
- Increasingly, we look to elections as an opportunity to smugly proclaim how right we were on social media.
- Richmond gun rally: nostalgia for the slave-holding confederacy dressed up in army ranger gear.
- Politicians, regardless of politics, have become progressively less eloquent in the course of American history. It’s rather remarkable. Obama was the last eloquent politician.
- Generally, politics has become less about language and increasingly about optics — that is a century-long trend.
- Everyone is just playing dress up.