Member-only story
- Today Obamacare died, again; Obamacare has died so many times that I am beginning to believe that it’s always been dead: a living phantom, a dream. And certainly, in a sense, that’s what it is — ephemera, an idea, a liberal wish-fulfillment rather than a coherent project. We don’t really — no one seems to know, including the Neanderthal judge judge in Texas who ruled on Obama today — what’s actually in Obamacare: all we know is the Idea, that dream of the government safety net, catching all the unhealthy people. You have to be either for the dream or against.
- The ‘problem’ with health-care begins with our reliance on institutions: because modern people have no idea how to begin healing themselves, no idea how to maintain their health — no instincts for it — they, we, are completely dependent on corporate medicine to keep us whole. My great grandparents in southern Italy lived into their nineties, as did all their fellow villagers, without any money or ‘health care.’ They had goats, olives, fish, sun, community, exercise-through-labor.
- If you read the news about Obamacare today and panicked, you’ve immediately contributed to the problem, which is our lack of biological self-reliance.
- What the government should pay for are the unique goods that modern medicine can provide: namely surgeries that repair traumatic injuries. Emergency and catastrophic medicine of all kinds should be a universal social service. I think it is more dubious whether tax dollars should go to feeding a…